"Cuddle Up" by Anne Harkness, Oil on Canvas
"Cuddle Up" by Anne Harkness, Oil on Canvas

"Cuddle Up" by Anne Harkness, Oil on Canvas

Regular Price $5,500.00 Sale


50" x 50"

Oil on Canvas

Original Art Work



Anne Harkness

Anne Harkness is an alumnus of the Atlanta College of Art and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from The Maryland Institute, College of Art. Her work as an art director in NYC for 15 years has embodied her work with a graphic element that viewers can detect in her paintings.  In the past few years, her pieces have been in national shows, galleries and museums. She has been featured in American Art Collector Magazine, Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine, as well as in International Artist Magazine, where she won 2nd place in their Abstract/Experimental Art competition. She resides with her husband in Mooresville, NC. She is a member of AWA and various other groups.

Instagram: @annephark