Shane Townley is an artist and environmentalist based in New York, exhibited internationally. His primary focus is on global warming and the effects on technology on the human mind. Townley's work can be found in private and corporate collections worldwide. Shane Townley is an American born artist with 20 years of success as a full time painter and artist born in 1972 in Ithaca New York. His larger original contemporary paintings go for upwards of 20-30K in Manhattan and Laguna Beach galleries and have been appraised at these values by Gloria Gails certified fine art appraisers (if you need an appraisal on an original Townley painting please reach out to Gloria Gails certified fine art appraisers ). In 1994 Townley graduated from Platt School of Art and Design in California. After working for various newspapers and magazines as a graphic designer Townley opened his own gallery in 2004 and has been working and showing in many other galleries ever since. Showing and living in New York City from 2015-2020 (leaving Manhattan during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 14 months prior to the pandemic he created a collaborative art space which was 15,000 sq. ft. and 3 levels on Broadway in Tribeca called newyorkart•com art center and it was set up as a monthly art fair for artists from around the world monthly. He is now residing in a beach town in California and heading into retirement as he focuses his time only painting in the studio and as well the local Southern California beaches.

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