"Enjoy the Waves" by Catherine Benita, Giclée on Canvas
"Enjoy the Waves" by Catherine Benita, Giclée on Canvas
"Enjoy the Waves" by Catherine Benita, Giclée on Canvas

"Enjoy the Waves" by Catherine Benita, Giclée on Canvas

Regular Price $380.00 Sale


16" x 20"

Giclée on Canvas


Other Sizes Available Upon Request 


Catherine Benita

Catherine Benita (Gabriella) was born with Down syndrome in Indonesia in 1991. For her development, they needed to live in Australia for a couple of years before moving to America in 1998. Her mom, herself 2 cancers survivor never gives up on her. Catherine’s disability impacted the fine motoric skills and made it difficult to hold a pencil. She found her love of art in 2013. Now, Catherine is an emerging artist where she even has the privilege to be part of exhibitions, such as in Malibu, Laguna Beach and more.

Her mission is to inspire and bring awareness that people with Down syndrome are able to contribute additional value to the world using their individual uniqueness. Catherine is also an athlete, a dancer and a model. Her focus is to express her strong faith in love and beauty of life in optimistic glimpse. She wants people to feel being loved, happy and peaceful. Her compassionate nature is a blessing for people around her. Seeing herself as not perfect, she sees her Down syndrome’s extra chromosome as extra blessing, extra gift, extra chance to grow with extra love. Wherever she travels, she enjoys to paint together with local group of challenged artists.

Catherine enjoys using illustration markers, acrylic and watercolor paints creates colorful and expressive pictures. Loving impressionism and abstract’s colors, her favorite is cubism. Creating artwork is the source of happiness and she hopes that viewers can share her joy.

Her work exhibited and sold in different venues and galleries in California, Nevada, Atlanta, New York, Indonesia, Holland, Germany, such as the Lumberyard-Malibu, Chun Gallery-Los Angeles, Pomona College, Street Gallery-Claremont; Upland Art Studios-, Tierra del Sol- Los Angeles, Gallery 61 Passage-The Hague, Euromast-Rotterdam, Hilton in Antwerpen, -Dresden, -Leiden, -Paris, Marriot Rotterdam and have been showcased by celebrity photographers.